Thursday, December 23, 2010

Red Squirrel

Looks like I'll be cleaning under the couch today
A Red Squirrel! Alva brought this in when Ross and I were making lunch. I was getting a picture of the squirrel with Alva when she threw the squirrel out from under and towards me making me scream as Ross described "like a little girl"

Red squirrels are active year round and are the only tree squirrel active during the day. Alaska has only one other tree squirrel, the northern flying squirrel, active only at night. There are no chipmunks in Alaska. The Red Squirrel's diet is mostly made up of conifer seeds. In the summer they collect thousands of green spruce cones to stash for the winter. Though they have been seen eating bird eggs and mushrooms.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Winter Wren

Just when I thought that Alva and Ivor had giving up hunting for the season....
I came home to a winter wren. If the legs look weird that is because they are not attached to the bird.
Wrens are small, about 4'', all brown with a short tail and dusky bars on belly and flanks.
When approached, wrens usually bob up and down nervously
They are commonly found on the ground nesting on roots of upturned trees, old stump or brush piles.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The last green bird left destroyed!

The last green bird was destroyed. The Christmas tree was put up the day after Thanksgiving and the kitties have been very interested in breaking all remaining ornaments that did not get broken last year. They have about twenty more to break, maybe then we can get into some real posting.

This happened at 5:00am. Big crash. Ross looked at me and said calmly, lets plug it in."

Oh but they are so cute!