Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Fox sparrow 2

Another Fox Sparrow (97% sure) Came home from work and there were feathers everywhere.
A similar species, the Song Sparrow has an all-dark colored bill and the Fox Sparrow has a lighter lower mandible. The interior subspecies of fox sparrow has a bright reddish brown tail that contrasts in color with the back feathers. Fox Sparrows are smaller and darker brown in southeast Alaska than those found to the North.
Habitat preferences is shrubs and branches. Usually nests under shrubs or low in trees. Eggs are 2-4 in number and pale green with reddish markings. Two broods per year. 12-14 days of incubation followed by 10-11 fledgling days.


  1. Didn't get to take the picture before they decapitated it?

  2. Ive noticed they only eat Fox Sparrows. They must be tasty
