Friday, January 7, 2011

Golden crowned-kinglet

This morning while I was filling my coffee cup to run out the door to work when Alva greeted me with her find. A Golden crowned-kinglet. Alva is still pretty weirded out when I take her treasure away and "play" with it. I didnt have much time other than take some pictures so I wrapped the bird in plastic wrap and threw it in my bag. On the way to work I saw shawn and asked him what he might think it is. Latter he called suggesting a ruby crowned kinglet which is a very good guess! Hey James and Lisa- check out the cd on the player

Small birds 3.1 - 4.3 cm in length. Slightly bigger than a humming bird.

Golden crowned-kinglets winter in Canada and Alaska. Usually have two lg broods per year 8-9. Female feeds lg. brood on the first day after the brood leaves the nest only then she starts laying the second set of eggs for the year.

Nostrils are covered by a single tiny feather

Yellow crown and orange center in males. (This is a male) Look at that color! Dull olive color on rest of body.


  1. Hi! What a interesting way to learn your SEAK birds. Looking forward to learning more about birds through your cats

  2. Not my preferred way to learn but trying to make a positive out of a negative. My bird identification has improved greatly and hope others do too.

    I really enjoy your blog too. Are you a soil scientist in Sitka? You should post a picture of you stihl chairs you talk about in your blog. My husband’s is a real chainsaw fan and Im sure he would get a kick out of seeing them. Happy birding!
