Thursday, May 12, 2011

Golden Crowned Sparrow

I was walking into the yurt with Andrew Kirby and we were talking about my bad cats and how he doesn't like that they kill things when Sancho comes out of the door with tail feathers and two legs sticking out of his mouth. Busted! Even the dog is into birding now. Yellow crown sparrow, bordered by black with a gray face and chest. It has white wingbars, back brown with black stripes and a long tail. 

The Golden-crowned Sparrow pecks and scratches at the ground to forage, occasionally picking at foliage or jumping into the air after an item. Paired males and females forage together, typically with male following female. The species flies with fast wingbeats when crossing between patches of cover, but often drops to ground and runs for cover when alarmed. While not foraging, this sparrow can be seen perching on the tops
 of trees or shrubs.  -

Note the tail feathers by Alva's whiskers. Very interested pets.

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