Sunday, May 22, 2011

Savannah Sparrow

Good morning Jess (though next time Alva, I'll just take a coffee in bed) can you figure out where I found this bird this morning?

The Savannah sparrow is found in temperate coastlines to tundra and has 17 recognized subspecies.
Savannah Sparrow is a small songbird (4.3–5.9 in) with brown or grayish-brown overall. It has streaking on back, breast, and flanks with a yellowish eyebrow stripe (see above). Distinctive stripe down center of crown (see above) Dark line extending from back of each eye and from base of bill to back of head. Small bill. Often runs on the ground like a small mouse. Silly bird.

Clutch size ranges from 2-6 eggs which are pale greenish, bluish tan or even white with speckles and streaks. Color varies widely even within population and sometimes even within clutches.

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